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Système de suspension de cloison sèche verrouillable Quickspan, installation en cours, étude de cas photographiée à l’usine de Wanskuck à Providence RI

Système de grille de cloison sèche verrouillable Quickspan🅪

The Longest Unsupported Spans in the Industry

The QuickSpan Locking Drywall Grid System, featuring the new support clip, enables quicker installations and lower labor costs. With the longest unsupported spans in the industry, QuickSpan reduces the number of hangar wires required, features locking cross tees, and enables simple layout with premeasured tabs. 

Faster Installation. Lower Labor Costs.

The QuickSpan Support Clip is a suspension system accessory designed for loadbearing support. It allows for longer and stronger spans with fewer wires. Simply slide, snap and fasten it in place to support spans up to 16´. That means fewer installers can install more square footage in less time.

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